Frequently asked question

Below you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked question. We are constantly adding most asked question to this page.
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What yoga styles are taught on retreat?
We offer four yoga classes a day on our yoga retreats: a morning hatha yoga followed by pranayama class which is quite active and invigorating, and a heavenly Ashtanga yoga class and meditation in the evening with a longer relaxation. Our classes are suitable for all levels.
Can beginners join?
Yes, beginners can join. We have all yoga levels from beginners to advanced, and our teachers will modify the classes so you can practice at your own pace.
What’s the average size of a group?
There are normally 08-10 people on each yoga retreat.
Which airport should I choose to fly to?
The closest and most convenient airport for you is to fly to New-Delhi. If you are visiting India for the first time then it is better for you to take a flight to Dehradun (city nearby), and from Dehradun is a 30 min drive by car, so you save a hustle.
Is it safe to travel alone to Rishikesh?
Yes, it is safe to travel alone to Rishikesh, many tourist does it. It might be a bit challenging to travel by local buses or trains sometimes if you are never been to India before, as its very different from other parts of the world.
What accommodation do you provide?
We have 10 cosy bedrooms which have been comfortably furnished and decorated. All rooms have twin beds and an attached bathroom with solar powered heated water, western style toilet and a sink.
Are flights included?
We have not included flights into the retreat package since we have people joining from all over the world.
Is there wi-fi?
There is complimentary wi-fi in all the retreat center rooms, as well as in common areas of the center.
How do I book yoga retreat?
If you would like to book a yoga retreat, please contact by phone or email. Please be sure to select which yoga retreat you are interested in.
Which kind of visa do I need to apply for?
Students should apply for tourist visa as it is easy and granted from indian embassy shortly, purpose of visit in india should be yoga retreat or ayurveda retreats.
How to pay an yoga retreat reservation ?
A 30% deposit is requested to hold your place, remaining you can pay on arrival.
Is it possible to make any changes about the booking after I made it?
Yes, if there is any personal issues, so in case we are able delay the dates of your course. The advance of the course fees are non-refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules.
Refund Policy
An advance of a course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules.